Wednesday, 5 June 2013





There is an old saying that goes, "To eat an apple going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread." The saying is justified by the apple's many health-promoting properties. Fossil remains show that apples were gathered and stored 5,000 years ago. It is likely that they were already cultivated during the Neolithic times. Interestingly, apples are members of the rose family.

Apples are excellent detoxifiers. Apple juice can destroy viruses in the body. In one recent study, Riu Hai Liu of Cornell University found that although apples contain only a small amount of Vitamin C, eating 100 g of apple provides the same antioxidant activity as taking 1,500 mg of the vitamin.

Apples are great snacks. Only make sure not to ingest too many apple seeds; these are toxic if taken in large amounts.
  • Apples clean the teeth and strengthen the gums.
  • Apples reduce cholesterol levels.
  • They detoxify the body and have antiviral properties.
  • Apples prevent constipation because they aid digestion.
  • One large apple supplies almost 30 percent of the minimum amount of fiber that should be consumed daily.
  • Eating apples regularly aids healing in patients of gout and rheumatism.
  • Eating two apples a day will reduce your cholesterol levels up to 10 percent.
  • Drinking apple juice thrice a day is said to prevent viruses from settling in the body.
  • Apples are good for digestion. If you suffer from indigestion, eat apples before meals.
  • Grated apple mixed with yogurt is helpful in cases of diarrhea.


  • Never buy apples that have not been kept cold since they can become over-ripe in a few days.
  • Apples should be hard. If you can dent an apple with your finger, do not buy it.
  • Keep your apples refrigerated. Otherwise, they will decay fast.
  • To prevent browning, rub the cut surfaces with a mixture of lemon juice and water.
  • Canadian researchers analyzing eight popular varieties found that the old standby, Red Delicious, and an apple called Northern Spy contain more disease-fighting antioxidants in their skin and flesh than any others that were studied. This means red apples are better than other kinds.

Health Benefits of Bananas

Native to the tropical countries of Southeast Asia, bananas are long and thick-skinned fruits that come in a variety of colors and sizes. Banana trees are currently grown primarily for their fruit in over 100 countries. Apart from being a food source, they are also used to make ornamental decorations and clothing.

There are over 1,000 known varieties of bananas that differ in appearance, taste, size and use. Red bananas have a red or green peel, pink flesh and taste like the yellow variety. Red bananas contain more beta-carotene, and are thus considered healthier than their yellow counterparts are. There are also the fruit bananas. These regular, yellow bananas grow to about 15 to 30 cm in length. Then there are the baby bananas, which are yellow in color but measure only about 6 to 8 cm long. These are the sweetest of bananas. Finally, we come to the baking bananas. These red, yellow or green bananas are the largest variety, measuring about 30 to 40 cm in length.

The red, fruit and baby bananas can all be eaten raw, provided they are ripe. The baking bananas or plantains cannot be eaten raw and are used in cooking. In some countries, baking bananas are a primary staple and a starch source, much like potatoes. Adding bananas to your diet can offer countless benefits to your health and overall wellbeing.

Benefits of Bananas

  • Bananas have twice as many carbohydrates as apples, making them an excellent source of natural energy. They can also serve as a great midday snack to boost energy levels, allowing you to accomplish everything you need to do.
  • Bananas are rich in fiber. Thus, they help promote a healthy digestive system. They can also prevent and speed up recovery from gastrointestinal illnesses such as constipation and diarrhea.
  • Recent studies show that bananas contain tryptophan, a mood-regulating chemical that helps relax the mind and uplift the mood.
  • Bananas contain potassium and magnesium -- two minerals that help maintain a healthy circulatory system. Eating a banana or two each day can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease.
  • Bananas can help people who are trying to quit smoking. This is because bananas contain vitamins and minerals that lessen the physical and psychological symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
  • Pregnant women can benefit from bananas. Studies show that bananas help combat morning sickness by maintaining healthy glucose levels in the blood.
  • Bananas help in the prevention and treatment of hyper acidity or stomach ulcers. They serve as a natural antacid, quickly soothing the burning in the stomach. Note that bananas should be used as the primary method to cure ulcers, particularly if your doctor has prescribed medication.
  • Rub the inside of a banana peel on mosquito bites to provide relief from itching and to lessen the swelling.
These are just a few of the benefits that bananas offer. Add one or two bananas to your daily diet. You could be surprised by the improvement to your overall health and well being.

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